Published On: 27 November 2023By Categories: Tags: , 1.8 min read

Citizen Development Program: Unlocking Organizational Innovation and Growth | Automation Days Asia 2023

By Vipul Tiwari

Empower Your Teams: Unleashing Innovation with Citizen Development – Automation Days Asia 2023 Recording! Embark on a transformative journey into the world of Citizen Development with the recording of Vipul Tiwari’s insightful presentation from Automation Days Asia 2023. Gain valuable insights into the benefits of embracing citizen developers and how it can revolutionize productivity, efficiency, and digital transformation.

Key Presentation Highlights:

  • Increased Productivity: Explore how embracing citizen developers can significantly boost productivity within your organization, driving efficiency and fostering a culture of innovation.
  • Nurturing a Growth Mindset: Understand the importance of cultivating a growth mindset among non-tech professionals. Discover how empowering individuals to contribute meaningfully can lead to organizational success.
  • Citizen Development Program: Delve into the significance of the Citizen Development Program as a powerful resource that propels organizations to new heights. Learn how non-technical individuals become a driving force for innovation, offering fresh perspectives and creative solutions to complex challenges.
  • Catalyst for Innovation: Illustrate how the Citizen Development Program acts as a catalyst for innovation, enabling organizations to excel without the need for additional technical staff. Witness how it can drive your teams to the next level of excellence.

Don’t miss the chance to revolutionize your organization’s approach to innovation! Watch the presentation recording now and discover the transformative power of Citizen Development.

About the Speakers

Vipul Tiwari, an accomplished professional and dynamic leader, embarked on his career in Site Engineering with a Telecom giant seven years ago. Little did he know that his journey would lead him to become a prominent Developer and a passionate advocate for the Citizen Development Program. Currently thriving at Amazon, Vipul has won numerous hackathons and earned prestigious recognitions, including being a Blue Prism MVP for four consecutive years. With a wealth of certifications and accolades to his name, Vipul’s expertise and dedication have propelled him to be a leading figure within the automation community.

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