Published On: 15 December 2022By Categories: Tags: , 3.1 min read

Automation: The Right Tool And The Right Way | Automation Days Asia 2022

By Chee Kin Tho

Many projects have failed to meet the expectations of the stakeholders and deliver the required business values. Some reports put this figure at over 80%, and many more delivers on partial value or are delayed or both. Automation projects are no different, some of the reasons are common and some are very specific to automation projects. With the growth of the many so-called “Digital Transformation Initiatives” where process automation is a common and critical requirement cutting across all sub-initiatives, lets focus more on automation projects, what are the main reasons why they fail and what you can do to improve your chances of success.

Firstly, we need to look at organization readiness. We need to start looking at human resources and the organization. How skillful is our workforce, how they are structured, what is the formal responsibility and authority like. The we need to look at our systems, what functions they provide and how they integrate with each other. Processes which are the glue between human and system actors need to be matured and ready for automation as well.

Secondly, we need to make sure we select correct technology (ies). Automation is not just about implementing a single technology like Workflow or Robotics Process Automation (RPA) or Enterprise Content Management (ECM). It is about doing things faster (efficient) and better (effective) and may require many technologies to be integrated. Some of these we may already have and may need to be acquired.

Thirdly, is what I call vendor influence. During selection, the team must be focus on what is required to enable achieving the objectives and not get caught up in all the bells and whistles regularly pushed by the vendor (s). Remain focus on what the organization needs not what individual stakeholders want.

We must remain Enterprise focus. Borrowing what Enterprise Architecture (EA) practice stirve for is reusability and agility amongst others. We must have a concrete technoloy and plan that what we do is not just another silo and can be reused.

This presentation shall cover to overcome the above challenges. We will have a looking at the technologies that are key to any automation projects and some key characteristics of what technologies will be required for some example scenarios. We will also go through some of the key things to avoid and key things that must be done or be ready for a greater chance success. Lastly, borrowing some best practices from the EA practice is how to present Return on Investments to the stakeholders.

About Speaker

An experienced IT and Technology expert with over 30 years of experience covering various functions ranging from systems development, technology management, project management, consultancy, operations and most recently enterprise architecture. He started his career right after graduation in Australia, focussing on building on his knowledge in Accounting and C language by joining an organization developing accounting systems in the 80s, later moving on other industries includng dental, transportation management and retail systems.

Over the last few years, he developed strong passion for Cloud-based technologies and Enterprise Architecture. Not only was he an early adopter of cloud based solutions, ee was one of the first to implement a cloud only strategy as early as mid 2010’s. More recently, he focussed on Enterprise Architecture, evangelizing the business benefits in various seminars and webinars. He now has qualifications many certifications on Enterprise Architecture and is now actively conducting trainings in Enterprise Architecture.

To find out more about what is Automation Days Asia 2022, visit here. If you want to know more about training and certification, don’t hesitate to drop us a message in the chatbox!

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