COBIT 2019 Assessment

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Service Overview

The COBIT IT Governance Assessment service is designed to help organizations assess and improve their IT governance practices using the Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) framework. COBIT is a globally recognized framework for IT governance, risk management, and compliance. The assessment involves a comprehensive evaluation of the organization’s IT governance framework, policies, processes, and procedures against the COBIT framework.

The COBIT Framework is designed to help organizations ensure the effective and efficient use of IT resources while also managing IT-related risks and complying with regulatory requirements. COBIT provides a comprehensive set of guidelines and best practices for IT governance and management across the entire IT lifecycle, from planning and strategy to implementation and operation, and ultimately to evaluation and continuous improvement.

With the COBIT IT Governance Assessment, your organization will assess how mature your organization is, based on the COBIT 2019 Framework.

Service Scope

The COBIT 2019 Assessment will consist of the following activities:

  1. Scoping: The service provider will work with the client to identify the scope of the assessment, including the areas to be assessed, the stakeholders to be involved, and the expected outcomes of the assessment.
  2. Assessment Planning: The service provider will develop an assessment plan that outlines the assessment objectives, timeline, assessment criteria, assessment tools, and reporting structure.
  3. Assessment Execution: The service provider will conduct the assessment using a variety of techniques, including interviews, surveys, document reviews, and observations. The assessment will focus on evaluating the organization’s IT governance practices against the COBIT framework.
  4. Assessment Reporting: The service provider will prepare a comprehensive assessment report that outlines the assessment findings, recommendations, and an action plan for improving IT governance practices.
  5. Assessment Follow-up: The service provider will work with the client to implement the action plan and monitor the progress of the implementation. The provider will also conduct a follow-up assessment to evaluate the effectiveness of the action plan and identify any further improvement opportunities.

Benefits to the Organization

Conducting a COBIT 2019 Assessment will bring the following benefits to an organization:

  1. Identify gaps in IT governance practices: The assessment will help the organization identify areas where their IT governance practices are not aligned with the COBIT framework and highlight gaps in their IT governance practices.
  2. Improve IT governance practices: The assessment report will provide recommendations and an action plan for improving IT governance practices, enabling the organization to establish a robust IT governance framework that aligns with industry best practices.
  3. Enhance regulatory compliance: The assessment will help the organization identify any compliance risks and take corrective measures to comply with regulatory requirements.
  4. Better decision-making: A well-defined IT governance framework provides the organization with a structured approach to decision-making, enabling them to make informed decisions that align with their strategic goals.
  5. Increase stakeholder confidence: The assessment provides a transparent and objective view of the organization’s IT governance practices, increasing stakeholder confidence in the organization’s ability to manage IT risks effectively.


As part of this service, Cybiant will create the following deliverables:

  1. Assessment Plan: A comprehensive assessment plan that outlines the assessment objectives, timeline, assessment criteria, assessment tools, and reporting structure.
  2. Assessment Report: A detailed assessment report that outlines the assessment findings, recommendations, and an action plan for improving IT governance practices.
  3. Action Plan: An action plan for implementing the assessment recommendations, including timelines and responsibilities.
  4. Follow-up Assessment: A follow-up assessment to evaluate the effectiveness of the action plan and identify any further improvement opportunities.

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